UniSignIn experiences are prebuilt UX elements for your website. You can set up an experience element in three ways:
Experience Orchestration Engine
First, add the experience you want. (You can find specific settings of each experience in the next step.)
Second, load the experience.
There are two ways to load an Experience on your website. First, add by Orchestration and add by code.
In the UniSignIn Console, first select your Organization.
In the left menu, you'll see the tab Orchestration located under the large tab Audience Operation. After entering this tab, click New Orchestration to start.
On the new Orchestration creation page, first, Enter a Name and select the Project you want this experience belongs.
To enable the orchestration, ensure the Enable button turns blue, a new orchestration is enabled by default.
Then you can choose the Event of all experiences in this orchestration.
You can specify the display conditions of the experiences.
By context, e.g., Domain, Cookie, URL.
Or by user profile, e.g., ID, Name, Email.
To Deliver the experiences, click the "Add" button in this section.
You can add up to 3 experiences in each orchestration. Once you finish adding, Click "Save Changes" and the experience will automatically show for the users of your website.
To add by code, you have to copy the code from the doc of the experience and place it on your page.
For Example, the code of "Sign In Buttons". Place the following code wherever you want it on your page, and the button will show in that place.
<div data-exp="unisignin-button"></div>
Note: For lazy-loaded elements, you can use the following API to trigger rendering:
Setup placeholder DIV for the Login, Signup and Account buttons.
You have to create and preserve the space for multiple DIVs on your website to display the Login, Sign Up, and My Account buttons or links.
You can add a DIV placeholder for the buttons:
<div data-exp="unisignin-button"></div>
Firstly, you have to create an Adblocker Recovery experience in the UniSignIn experience engine.
Then use the experience orchestration engine to load the Adblocker Recovery experience element.
You don't have to add any DIV placeholder or tags on your website for this experience element.
This feature only works with the experience orchestration engine.
Firstly, you have to create a Consent Recovery experience in the UniSignIn experience engine.
Then use the experience orchestration engine to load the Consent Recovery experience element.
You don't have to add any DIV placeholder or tags on your website for this experience element.
This feature only works with the experience orchestration engine.
Firstly, you have to create an Email Subscription experience in the UniSignIn experience engine.
Setup placeholder DIV for the Email Subscription widget:
<div data-exp="unis-email-subscription"></div>
<div data-exp="unis-email-subscription" data-exp-id="xxxxxxxxx"></div>
This feature works with the experience engine and experience orchestration engine.
Firstly, you have to create a Comment experience in the UniSignIn experience engine.
Setup placeholder DIV for the Comment experience and add the configuration data for the experience.
<div data-exp="unis-comment" data-element-id="unique ID of the article"></div>
This feature can only be set up statically on an article or a URL
Firstly, you have to create a Confirm Button experience in the UniSignIn experience engine.
<div data-exp="unis-confirm-button"></div>
Setup placeholder DIV for the Confirm button and add the configuration data for the experience.
<div data-exp="unis-confirm-button" data-exp-id="xxxxxxxxx"></div>
data-content="" // the content text for the experience
data-confirm-btn="" // the confirm button text for the experience
data-cancel-btn="" // the cancel button text for the experience
data-field="" // the ID of the data field that you got from UniSignIn dashboard
This feature works with the experience engine and experience orchestration engine.
Firstly, you have to create a Feedback experience in the UniSignIn experience engine.
<div data-exp="unis-feedback2" data-element-id="xxxxxxxxx"></div>
Setup placeholder DIV for the Feedback widget and add the configuration data for the experience.
data-element-id="xxxxxxxxx" // it will be the pathname of current URL if you do not set it.
data-element-id="xxxxxxxxx" // it will be the pathname of current URL if you do not set it.
data-message="" // the content of the feedback experience
data-field="" // the field name to store the result of the feedback experience
data-element-id="xxxxxxxxx" // it will be the pathname of current URL if you do not set it.
data-message="" // the content of the feedback experience
data-field="" // the field name to store the result of the feedback experience
data-element-id="xxxxxxxxx" // it will be the pathname of current URL if you do not set it.
This feature can only be set up statically on an article or a URL
There are two ways to integrate the Form experience on your website.
<div data-exp="unis-exp-form"></div>
<div data-exp="unis-exp-form" data-exp-id="xxxxxxxxx"></div>
This feature works with Experience engine and experience orchestration engine.
<div data-exp="unis-vote"></div>
This feature works with the experience engine and experience orchestration engine.
You can only set up topic keyword experience element statically:
Load static experience by assigning an Experience ID:
data-tag="" // keyword of the experience
data-url="" // url is optional
data-tag_slug="" // the slug of the tag that you provided
data-size="" // mini|big
This feature can only be set up statically on an article or a URL. You must pass the value of data-tag, data-tag_slug into the div.
You can only set up Notification experience element statically:
Load static experience by assigning an Experience ID:
<div data-exp="unis-notification"></div>
This feature can only be set up statically on your website.
Firstly, you have to create a Follow Button experience in the UniSignIn experience engine.
Setup placeholder DIV for the Follow Button widget:
<div data-exp="unis-follow-button"></div>
<div data-exp="unis-email-follow-button" data-exp-id="xxxxxxxxx"></div>
This feature works with the experience engine and experience orchestration engine.
See details at "How to Set Up UniSignIn Account Center Experience on Your Website"